21 Aug Labor Day
Labor Day weekend is fast approaching us. In Lake Havasu City, Labor Day means one last weekend of boating and floating, sunbathing and drinking, and celebrating on the lake. It’s one final hoorah marking the end to yet another amazing summer. Let’s take a minute and find out what exactly we are actually celebrating!
Labor Day is always celebrated on the first Monday in September. Its a day to celebrate the creation of the labor movement. Labor Day is a day dedicated to our American Workers. A nice long 3 day weekend to recharge your batteries and honor all you have contributed to our well being as a country. What a spectacular idea for a holiday. I can’t think of a better reason to take a day off work!
Labor Day brings the perfect excuse for a weekend away. Tons of vacationers every year flood Lake Havasu to blow off some steam and soak up some sun. The Nautical Inn is the perfect place to stay as everything you need for an amazing Labor Day weekend is just steps away. And if you want to get out on the water don’t forget the Nautical Watersports Center is only steps away and has all the boats, see doos, and paddle boards you could possible need!
Since we haven’t discussed food at all this blog, I thought I would add in my recommendation for a nice little lunch or dinner spot in Lake Havasu City. Chico’s Tacos…That is all… Just kidding. Chico’s is one of my favorite places in Lake Havasu City to eat. I can’t believe it doesn’t have it’s own post yet! It’s just good ol’ Mexican food. Right up from the London Bridge (on the left). It’s easy to get to and delicious! A great addition to your Labor Day weekend.
Labor Day should remind us all the importance of hard work…Remember the “American Dream”?! We are so fortunate to live in a country where you have the freedom to work hard, make your own money, and succeed. Happy Labor Day my friends!